FIT2096留学生作业代写、Python/Java程序设计作业代做、代写3D rendering作业
Waypoint Navigationo Your agents must use a set of waypoints to navigate their way across the game level.Each waypoint contains a location (x,y,z) in the game level. The agent should spawnat the first waypoint, rotate to face the next waypoint and move to that waypoint.When the agent reaches the waypoint it should rotate to face the next waypoint andmove to it. This should be repeated until the agent reaches the last waypoint whereit should be removed from the level.o Waypoints will be hard coded and stored in an arrayo You will have at least 2 paths your agents can navigate across the level Spawn rateo How often the Agent spawns Speed, SizeFIT2096 Assignment 2 2019_v1.2.docx 9/04/2019 11:34 AMPage 3 | 4o You must have two different types of agents denoted by different colours.o They should travel at different speeds.o Each type of agent should have a different scale value with larger Agents movingslower, while smaller agents moving faster.Input/ControlYour application must implement the following controls: ‘s’ – Starto Starts the game ‘p’ – Pauseo Pauses the game ‘r’ – Reseto Resets the game back to its initial state so it can be run againFIT2096 Assignment 2 2019_v1.2.docx 9/04/2019 11:34 AMPage 4 | 4Marking RubricProgram Functionality – 15%N P C D HDDoes the game initialise and use Direct 3Dcorrectly? (5)Is input handled correctly? (5)Are all of the required assets (models andtextures) loaded correctly? (5)Functionality – 55%N P C D HDLevelIs the game level/map loaded, scaled, textureddrawn correctly? (10)The camera is set up correctly (10)AgentsIs the agent movement (rotations andtranslations) implemented correctly? (10)Waypoints have been hard coded and storedusing an array (10)There are at least 2 paths across the map (5)The agents follow the waypoint pathssuccessfully (10)Code Quality – 30%N P C D HDIs the code written in an efficient manner?(including good memory management) (10)Does the code exhibit good object-orienteddesign? (10)Is the readability and style of the code to a highstandard? Are appropriate commentsincluded throughout? (10)因为专业,所以值得信赖。如有需要,请加QQ:99515681 或邮箱: